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2014-12-4 10:29| 发布者: 匿名| 查看: 2622| 评论: 0

摘要: 图文和视频:金美翎 (QQ空间)   他在好莱坞电影史上是一位颇有争议的导演,而他却赢得了三次奥斯卡金像奖的荣誉。他就是好莱坞史上伟大的导演之一Oliver Stone。   听说今天他特地赶来2014年芝加哥国际电影节来 ...


图文和视频:金美翎 (QQ空间)

  他在好莱坞电影史上是一位颇有争议的导演,而他却赢得了三次奥斯卡金像奖的荣誉。他就是好莱坞史上伟大的导演之一Oliver Stone。


  This person's film work has been criticized by many, yet he is a three-time Oscar winner. He is the legendary film maker Oliver Stone.

  Today, Mr. Stone will be appearing at the 50th Chicago International Film Festival for the showing of two of his films. Let's check it out!


  今年正好是Oliver Stone导演的电影《天生杀人狂》20周年纪念,也是电影《亚历山大大帝》的10周年纪念。

  This year is the 20th anniversary for Stone's film "Natural Born Killer," and 10th anniversary for his film "Alexander."

  This is the anniversary; the new Blu-Ray disc's are out. It is a very wonderful film to see because it is done in a different style from the 1990's. It is very fast. Lot's of cuts; 2000 to 3000 cuts. It was extraordinary at the time. Now it's perhaps more accepted. The ideas of the film is very satirical, theatre of the absurd, makes fun, bitter fun, dark fun about the United States, and its culture of violence, and it is sensationalism in the media of violence, and the prison system, and perversion of a culture.




  Meiling: Your series "The Untold History of the United States" is available in China right now. What do you have to do for the preparation for the film to be available in China for such a different culture?


  The film, I hope it will eventually play on the Chinese television. It is 12 hours long. It is five years of work. It is one of the most intense things I have ever done. I think it is beautiful. It tells in a documentary style made by a filmmaker, a very beautiful but sad story about the United States from 1898 to 2013. Misplacing its imagination, misplacing its opportunity to be a great country. I am sad, because it is a country I wanted it to be… I am proud of it, and I like the country, but I feel strong enough to criticize it, to make it a better country.



  Meiling: Recently, you just traveled to China, and you are really well-received in China. It is really difficult to adapt into the Chinese culture and to co-producing the films. Do you have work in plan in China?


  I am going back to China actually a week after next to the Xion Festival. I am always well-treated in China. I may make a movie there. There is a censorship issue in China (in the films). It is always continuous. I love Chinese culture, and I think there is a lot to learn from it. Who knows, we will see.



  金美翎,美国90后华侨女生,芝加哥知名模特儿、双语媒体记者、瑜伽红人、图片和视频后期制作及美食爱好者。她在腾讯教育博客频道发表的博文深受读者喜爱,为华人展示了发生在美国社会的种种生活乐趣,让更多人了解华侨在美国的生活。曾入围中国网民文化节博客大赛总决赛,被评为“腾讯新锐教育红人”。她于2013年创立自己的媒体平台“美翎工作室”(Studio Meiling)。







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